Defining an XML model
20 PowerDesigner
Model Items page
The Items page of the model property sheet displays the list of global objects
(with no parent symbol in the diagram, directly linked to the <schema> tag)
created in the model. This list reflects the order in which global objects are
being declared in the schema. If you want to change this order of declaration,
you must select an item in the list and use the arrowed buttons, at the bottom-
left corner of the page, to move the selected item in the list:
Button Moves item
Top of the list
Up one page
Up one line
Down one line
Down one page
Bottom of the list
You can also use the Items page to create global objects in the model:
Tool Tooltip Description
Add Element Adds an element to the model
Add Group Adds a group of elements to the model
Add Attribute Adds an attribute to the model
Add Attribute Group Adds a group of attributes to the model
Add Simple Type Adds a simple type to the model. Only
available in a model targeted with XSD
Add Complex Type Adds a complex type to the model. Only
available in a model targeted with XSD
Add Notation Adds a notation to the model, to describe the
format of non-XML data