Checking an XML model
142 PowerDesigner
Checking an XML model
You can check the validity of an XML model at any time.
To check an XML model:
1 Select Tools→Check Model.
Right-click the diagram background and select Check Model from the
contextual menu.
The Check Model Parameters dialog box opens to the Options page.
2 Expand an object parameter node.
The object parameters verified by the Check Model are displayed with
the symbols indicating a degree of problem severity.
3 If you want to change a degree of problem severity, select the object
parameter and then select either the Error or Warning tool.
The symbol changes to the appropriate severity level.
4 If you want PowerDesigner to automatically correct a problem, select the
object parameter and then select the Automatic Correction tool.
The Automatic Correction symbol appears superimposed on the Error or
Warning symbol for that object parameter.
5 Click the Selection tab to display the Selection page.
6 Select a model from the dropdown listbox at the top of the dialog box.