Defining derivations
106 PowerDesigner
Icon Facet Description
Fraction digits Maximum number of decimal digits in the
fractional part
Whitespace Way of handling white spaces. If the value is
Preserve, white spaces are unchanged. If the
value is Replace, tabs, line feeds and carriage
returns are replaced with spaces. If the value is
Collapse, contiguous sequences of spaces are
collapsed to a single space. Leading and trailing
spaces are removed
A facet icon appears in the title bar of a facet property sheet.
Facets only appear in the schema, within a simple type declaration (see
Preview tab in the model property sheet).
The General page of a facet property sheet displays the following properties:
Property Description
ID ID of the facet. Its value must be of type ID and unique within
the model containing the facet
Value Value(s) of the facet
Fixed (check
To prevent a modification of the facet value(s), select the Fixed
The Enumerations page of a simple type restriction property sheet allows you
to enter a set of acceptable values for the simple type restriction.
Select F (for Fixed) at the end of a row if you want to prevent the
modification of a value.
Facet general