XML Model Glossary
270 PowerDesigner
Derivation of a simple type to restrict its values to a collection of built-in and
simple data types
An identity constraint used to specify that an element or attribute value (or set
of values) must be unique or null within a specified scope
Uniform Resource Identifier. A string of characters which identifies an
Internet resource
XML-Data Reduced. An XML language defining the structure of an XML
file. It is a simplified XSD (or schema)
Extensible Markup Language. Used for structuring documents with self-
describing tags in plain text format
Language used to define the structure of an XML model. It can be Document
Type Definition 1.0 or XML Schema Definition 1.0
XML Path Language. A language to address parts of an XML document
For more information on XPath, see XPath abbreviated syntax in
section Defining an identity constraint selector, in chapter Building an XML
XML Schema Definition (or schema). An XML language defining the
structure of an XML file. It supports namespaces and datatypes
XML language