XML Model Glossary
XSM User’s Guide 269
A name beginning with a prefix and a colon (:). The prefix is associated with
a namespace URI. For example: xs:schema, xs being associated with
Relational database. A database organized in terms of relations between data
Allows you to redefine simple and complex types, groups and attribute
groups from an external schema file in the current schema
A property to define a local object by reference to a global object. The
referenced (local) object has the same properties as the reference (global)
Derivation of a simple type or a complex type to restrict the values of their
base type
Process of examining and recovering data or source code from a file that is
then used to build or update an XML model
Diminutive for XML Schema or XML Schema Definition (XSD). It defines
the structure and data types of an XML document
Sphere of action of an object. It can be local (within a parent object) or
global (within a model)
An XPath expression that selects a set of elements for an identity constraint
(unique, key or keyRef)
For more information on XPath expressions, see section Defining an
identity constraint selector in chapter Building an XML model
A group particle indicating that child elements must appear at least once in
the order of their declaration
Allows you to extend or restrict the values of a complex type supporting
character data or a simple type
A data type definition for the value of elements or attributes with text-only
XML extension of the Structured Query Language
Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object without changing
its structure. It can be predefined or user-defined
Namespace of all the schema elements in the model. Its name is a URI which
does not refer to any file but only to an assigned name. A prefix can be
assigned to the namespace. All the schema elements with this prefix in their
start-tag will be associated with the namespace
Data type. It can be predefined or user-defined, simple or complex.
qualified name
simple content
simple type
target namespace