Chapter 3 Working with an XML model
XSM User's Guide 151
Embedded file name uniqueness
A model cannot contain two embedded files with identical names.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Rename one of the embedded files Renames the file by appending a
number to its name
Existence of external file location
An external file should have a valid path location.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Define a valid path location —
Entity check
During an entity check, the following object controls are made.
Entity name and code uniqueness
A model cannot contain two entities with identical names and/or codes.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Rename one of the entities Renames the entity by appending a
number to its name or code
Undefined entity
You must define an entity. In the entity property sheet, you must either type a
value (string of characters or URI) in the Value box, or a URI in the Public or
System boxes.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Type a value in the Value box or a URI
in the Public or System boxes