Chapter 2 Building an XML model
XSM User's Guide 125
Defining import, include and redefine
Import, Include and Redefine allow you to enrich your XML model with
external namespaces, schema files or schema components.
Import, Include and Redefine are only available in a model targeted with
Defining an import
An import identifies a namespace whose schema components are referenced
by the current schema.
With an import, you can use schema components from any schema with
different target namespace than the current schema.
In a schema, an import is declared with the <import> tag.
For example:
Defining import properties
To display an import property sheet, double-click its name or its icon in the
Browser tree view.
The General page of an import property sheet displays the following
Property Description
Schema location URI reference for the location of a schema file with an
external namespace. You can use the Browse tool beside
the Properties tool to select a schema file among those
opened in the current workspace. For example: ORDER.xsd
ID ID of the import. Its value must be of type ID and unique
within the schema containing the import
Namespace URI reference for the namespace to import. For example:
Import general