Chapter 7 Creating and Distributing Standalone Executables and DLLs
LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual 7-4
National Instruments Corporation
makecvirte script prompts you to name the directory in which to place the completed
package. The package name is
6. To install or remove a package on a machine you must log in as
root. You can then use
either of the following two methods to install or remove a package:
• Use the Software Management Tool
swntool located in the /usr/sbin directory
of your system.
• Use the following command to install a package:
pkgadd -d
<path to package> pkgname
To remove a previously installed package, issue the following command:
Distributing Standalone Executables under Solaris 1
To distribute executable programs under Solaris 1, complete the following steps.
1. If your program loads UIR files with
LoadPanel or loads external modules with
LoadExternalModule, use caution when you specify filenames in calls to these
functions. If you use a relative path, the path is relative to the directory that contains the
executable. Refer to the Location of Files on the Target Machine for Running
Executables and DLLs section in this chapter for more information.
2. Create a directory containing your executable program and associated files. Structure the
directory exactly as you want it to appear after installation. To test your program, run it
from that directory.
3. Use the shell script
makedist in the misc/bin directory to create a distribution
package. This script creates a compressed tar file that contains the directory you created
in Step 2 and a copy of the LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine.
4. Make a copy of the installation script
INSTALL.sample in the misc/bin directory and
customize it using the information
makedist provides. This installation script unpacks
a distribution package, creating a directory like the one you created in Step 2, and then
installs the LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine. The installation script can install from
floppy disks or from the current directory.
5. If you want to distribute your program on floppy disks, use the shell script
in the
misc/bin directory to copy your installation script and distribution package to
floppy disks. If you want to distribute using some other method, such as anonymous FTP,
you must provide users with the package file that
makedist creates and the customized
installation script that extracts the files from the package.
You can use this method under Solaris 2 if you do not want to use the
pkgmk utility.
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