LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual I-10
National Instruments Corporation
resource files (Windows 95/NT), for
standalone executables, 7-11
return values, missing (non-fatal) error, 1-11
RS-232 Library, 9-5
Run Options command, Options menu
Break on library errors option, 1-12, 7-19
setting debugging levels, 1-8
setting maximum stack size, 1-16
Run Options menu, Project window, 4-4
run state change notification for compiled
asynchronous callbacks, 2-4
examples of program state changes,
2-5 to 2-6
including in DLLs, 3-2 to 3-3
prototype for callback, 2-4
requirements, 2-4
for executables under UNIX, 5-5
for external compilers under
Windows 95/NT, 3-13 to 3-14
Run-time Engine. See also standalone
executables, creating and distributing.
configuring, 7-5 to 7-7
cvidir option, 7-7
cvirtx option, 7-6
DSTRules, 7-7
option descriptions, 7-6
setting configuration options, 7-6
Solaris 1 patches required, 7-5 to 7-6
UNIX options, 7-7
useDefaultTimer, 7-7
files required for running executable
programs, 7-8 to 7-9
location and type of files, 7-9 to 7-11
Windows 3.1, 7-11 to 7-12
Windows 95/NT, 7-10 to 7-11
overview, 7-1
shared library capability, 5-2
system requirements
Windows 3.1, 7-2
Windows 95/NT, 7-1 to 7-2
translating message file, 7-5
scanf function
LabWindows/CVI implementation, 5-4
using with external compiler, 3-10
SDK functions. See Windows SDK functions.
search precedence of Windows DLLs,
4-23 to 4-24
shared libraries, under UNIX, 5-2
shortcut keys, multiplatform application
considerations, 6-3
SIGBUS signal, 5-7
SIGFPE signal, 5-7
SIGILL signal, 5-7
SIGINT signal, 5-7
SIGPIPE signal, 5-7
SIGPOLL (SIGIO) signal, 5-7
SIGQUIT signal, 5-7
SIGSEGV signal, 5-7
SIGTERM signal, 5-7
Solaris. See Sun Solaris.
source files
converting 16-bit source code to 32-bit
source code, 1-6 to 1-7
loading with LoadExternalModule, 7-18
preparing for use in Windows 32-bit DLL,
3-21 to 3-24
calling conventions for exported
functions, 3-21 to 3-22
exporting DLL functions and
variables, 3-22
export qualifier method,
3-22 to 3-23
include file method, 3-22
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