LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual I-6
National Instruments Corporation
generating DLL import library, 3-4
link errors when using DLL import
libraries, 3-2
import qualifiers
_import, 1-3
__import, 1-3
marking imported symbols in include file,
3-23 to 3-24
purpose and use, 1-2 to 1-3
include files
ANSI C library and LabWindows/CVI
libraries, 3-10
generating glue code, 4-9
Windows 32-bit DLLs
exporting DLL functions and
variables, 3-22
marking imported symbols in include
file, 3-23 to 3-24
Windows SDK functions, 3-26 to 3-27
include paths, setting up for
LabWindows/CVI, ANSI C, and SDK
libraries, 3-28 to 3-29
Include Paths command, Options menu,
1-17, 3-28
InitCVIRTE, calling
UNIX executables, 5-4 to 5-5
Windows 95/NT executables,
3-14 to 3-15
Insert Constructs command, Edit menu, 3-3
Instrument Directories command, Options
menu, 8-2
instrument drivers
definition, 2-2
status reporting, 9-7
using loadable compiled modules as
program files, 2-2
Instrument menu, 2-3, 7-15
interrupts under Windows 95/NT, 3-29
IVI Library, 9-5
keywords, non-ANSI LabWindows/CVI, 1-2
LabWindows/CVI compiler. See compiler.
LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine. See
Run-time Engine.
.lib files. See library files.
C library issues, 1-5
creating static libraries, 3-25
distributing, 8-1 to 8-3
adding to user’s Library menu,
8-1 to 8-2
specifying library dependencies,
8-2 to 8-3
loading library files for standalone
executables, 7-16
portability issues for multiplatform
applications, 6-1 to 6-2
using loadable compiled modules as user
libraries, 2-3
Windows 95/NT compiler issues
calling InitCVIRTE and
CloseCVIRTE, 3-14 to 3-15
include files for ANSI C library and
LabWindows/CVI libraries, 3-10
multithreading and
LabWindows/CVI libraries, 3-8
resolving callback references from
.uir files, 3-10 to 3-12
resolving references from modules
loaded at run-time, 3-12
standard input/output windows, 3-10
using LabWindows/CVI libraries in
external compilers, 3-9 to 3-15
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