Chapter 7 Creating and Distributing Standalone Executables and DLLs
LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual 7-12
National Instruments Corporation
the Run-time Engine into your distribution kit. Also, you can make copies of this diskette for
separate distribution. The user selects the directory into which to install the Run-time Engine.
The LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine does not include the DLLs or drivers for National
Instruments hardware. Users can install the DLLs or drivers for their hardware from the
distribution disks that National Instruments supplies.
LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine under Sun Solaris
Under Sun Solaris, the Run-time Engine comes in the form of a shared library called
, where
is the version number of the Run-time Engine. The installation
program installs the shared library in the
lib subdirectory under the Run-time Engine
installation directory. It also creates two symbolic links, where
stands for the
Run-time Engine installation directory, as shown in Table 7-3.
The installation program installs message and resource files in the
bin directory under the
Run-time Engine installation directory. It installs font description files in the
fonts directory
under the Run-time Engine installation directory. You can subsequently change the location
of the
bin and fonts subdirectories, but you must also change the cvidir configuration
option to the pathname of the directory that contains the two subdirectories.
The LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine does not include the shared libraries or drivers for
National Instruments hardware. Users can install the shared libraries and drivers for their
hardware from the distribution disks that National Instruments supplies.
Rules for Accessing UIR, Image, and Panel State Files on All Platforms
The recommended method for accessing UIR, image, and panel state files in your executable
program is to place the files in the same directory as the executable and pass simple filenames
with no drive letters or directory names to
LoadPanel, DisplayImageFile,
SavePanelState, and RecallPanelState.
If you do not want to store these files in the same directory as your executable,
you must pass pathnames to
LoadPanel, DisplayImageFile, SavePanelState, and
RecallPanelState. These functions interpret relative pathnames as being relative to the
directory that contains the executable.
Table 7-3.
Pathnames and Targets of Links
Pathname of Link Target of Link
/usr/lib/libcvi.so /usr/lib/libcvi.so.
n cvirte
00ProRef.book : 06chap07.fm Page 12 Monday, March 9, 1998 3:23 PM