LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual I-2
National Instruments Corporation
bit fields, Windows 32-bit DLLs, 3-6
Borland C/C++
Borland or Symantec 32-bit compiled
modules under Windows, 4-2 to 4-3
Builder not supported by
LabWindows/CVI object or static
library files, 3-17
creating 16-bit Windows DLLs, 4-22
creating object and library files, 3-18
default library directives, 3-16
static versus dynamic C libraries, 3-17
turning off incremental linker, 3-17
Break on Library Errors option, 1-12,
7-19, 9-1
buffer retention by DLL glue code,
4-11 to 4-12
Build menu
Create Distribution Kit command,
7-1, 7-9
External Compiler Support command,
3-11, 3-13
Target command, 3-20, 3-21, 3-25
building platform-independent applications.
See multiplatform applications, building.
bulletin board support, B-1
.c files. See source files.
C language extensions
calling conventions (Windows 95/NT),
1-2 to 1-3
C++-style comment markers, 1-4
duplicate typedefs, 1-4
import and export qualifiers, 1-3 to 1-4
non-ANSI C standard keywords, 1-2
program entry points (Windows), 1-5
structure packing pragma (Windows),
1-4 to 1-5
C library issues, 1-5
C++ style comment markers, 1-4
callback functions
compiled modules using asynchronous
callbacks, 2-7
direct callback by DLLs, 4-12 to 4-15
notification of run state changes in
compiled modules, 2-4 to 2-5
using in DLLs, 2-6 to 2-7
callback references, resolving
(Windows 95/NT)
from modules loaded at run-time, 3-12
references to non-LabWindows/CVI
symbols, 3-12 to 3-13
run-time module
references to symbols not exported
from DLL, 3-13
from .uir files, 3-10 to 3-12
linking to callback functions not
exported from DLL, 3-11 to 3-12
calling conventions (Windows 95/NT)
for exported functions, 3-21 to 3-22
using qualifiers, 1-2 to 1-3
casting. See pointer casting.
cdecl calling convention, 1-2
_cdecl calling convention qualifier, 1-2
__cdecl calling convention qualifier, 1-3
Check Disk Dates Before Each Run
option, 4-4
CloseCVIRTE function, 3-14 to 3-15
code. See source files.
colors, multiplatform application
considerations, 6-3
comment markers, C++ style, 1-4
compiled modules. See loadable compiled
compiler. See also compiler options.
C library issues, 1-5
using low-level I/O functions, 1-5
compiler defines, 1-2
compiler limits (table), 1-1
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