National Instruments Corporation I-3 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
data types
allowable data types (table), 1-6
converting 16-bit code to 32-bit
code, 1-6to1-7
debugging levels, 1-8
error messages, A-1 to A-46
limits (table), 1-1
non-ANSI C keywords, 1-2
overview, 1-1
user protection errors
general protection errors, 1-11
library protection errors, 1-11 to 1-12
memory corruption (fatal), 1-11
memory deallocation
(non-fatal), 1-11
pointer arithmetic (non-fatal),
1-8 to 1-9
pointer assignment (non-fatal), 1-9
pointer casting (non-fatal), 1-10
pointer comparison (non-fatal), 1-10
pointer dereference errors (fatal),
1-9 to 1-10
pointer subtraction (non-fatal), 1-10
Compiler Defines command, Options menu,
1-2, 3-27
compiler options
compiled object modules
Borland C 4.x, 4-3
Symantec C++ 6.0, 4-3
Watcom, 4-2
setting, 1-2
Compiler Options command, Options
menu, 1-2
compiler/linker issues. See specific operating
system, e.g., UNIX operating system.
configuring Run-time Engine. See Run-time
Engine, configuring.
converting 16-bit source code to 32-bit source
code, 1-6to1-7
Create Distribution Kit command, Build
menu, 7-1, 7-9
Create Dynamic Link Library command,
3-24, 7-18
Create Object File command, Options
menu, 3-26
Create Standalone Executable File command,
3-20, 7-16
Create Static Library command, 3-21, 3-26
loadable compiled modules. See loadable
compiled modules.
platform-independent applications. See
multiplatform applications, building.
standalone executables. See standalone
executables, creating and distributing.
Windows DLLs. See Windows 16-bit
DLLs; Windows 32-bit DLLs.
customer communication, xvi, B-1 to B-2
cvidir configuration option
(Windows 95/NT), 7-7
CVIRTEHasBeenDetached function, 3-3
cvirtx configuration option (Windows 3.1), 7-6
Data Acquisition Library, 9-4
data types
allowable data types for compiler
(table), 1-6
converting 16-bit source code to 32-bit
source code, 1-6 to 1-7
DDE Library, 9-6
debugging levels
Extended, 1-8
setting, 1-8
Standard, 1-8
__declspec(dllexport) qualifier, 1-3, 3-22
__declspec(dllimport) qualifier, 1-3
distributing libraries, 8-1 to 8-3
adding to user’s Library menu, 8-1 to 8-2
specifying library dependencies,
8-2 to 8-3
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