Chapter 9 Checking for Errors in LabWindows/CVI
LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual 9-4
National Instruments Corporation
Easy I/O for DAQ Library
The Easy I/O for DAQ Library functions return a negative value when they detect an error.
They return a positive value as a warning when they are able to complete their task but not in
the way you might expect. This library uses a common set of error codes. The positive
warning codes are the same absolute values as the negative error codes. Refer to the
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries Reference Manual or the function panel help for a
listing of the error codes and information on the individual functions. You can use
GetDAQErrorString to get the error message associated with each Easy I/O for DAQ
Library error or warning code.
Data Acquisition Library
The Data Acquisition Library functions return a negative value when they detect an error.
They return a positive value as a warning when they are able to complete their task but not in
the way you might expect. This library uses a common set of error codes. The positive
warning codes are the same absolute values as the negative error codes.
Refer to the back of the NI-DAQ Function Reference Manual for PC Compatibles or the
function panel help for a listing of the error codes. You can use
GetNIDAQErrorString to
get the error message associated with each Data Acquisition Library error or warning code.
VXI Library
The VXI Library uses a variety of global variables and function return codes to report any
error that occurs. You must check each function description to determine what error checking
might be necessary. Refer to the specific VXI function reference manual or the on-line help
for a listing of the error codes.
GPIB/GPIB 488.2 Library
The GPIB libraries return status information through two global variables called ibsta
If your program uses multiple threads, use the ThreadIbsta and ThreadIberr
functions in place of the
ibsta and iberr global variables.
The GPIB Library functions return the same value that they assign to ibsta. You
can choose to use either the return values,
ibsta, or ThreadIbsta.
ERR bit within ibsta indicates an error condition. If this bit is not set, iberr does not
contain meaningful information. If the
ERR bit is set in ibsta, the error condition is stored in
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