National Instruments Corporation G-5 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
list box A dialog box item that displays a list of possible choices.
lvalue A C expression that refers to an object that can be examined and
modified. The name lvalue comes from the fact that only lvalues may
appear on the left side of an assignment. Examples of lvalues are
variables, parameters, array element references such as
struct element references such as s->name or s.name, and
pointer dereferences such as
*ptr. Expressions that are not lvalues
are called rvalues.
MB Megabytes of memory.
menu An area accessible from the command bar that displays a subset of
the possible command choices.
output control A function panel control that displays a value that the function you
execute generates. An output control parameter must be a string, an
array, or a reference parameter of type integer, long, single-precision,
or double-precision.
ordinal number A numeric value that corresponds to a function within a DLL. The
linker that creates the DLL arbitrarily defines it, or it may be
specified in the
.def file when the DLL is created.
PASCAL A Windows 3.1 function calling convention in which function
arguments are passed left to right, and the function restores the stack
pointer before it returns.
Project window A window that contains a list of files your application uses.
prompt command A command that requires additional information before it can be
executed; a prompt command appears on a pull-down menu suffixed
with an ellipsis (. . .).
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