Chapter 7 Creating and Distributing Standalone Executables and DLLs
National Instruments Corporation 7-5 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
Minimum System Requirements for UNIX
To run a standalone executable you create using LabWindows/CVI for UNIX, your system
must have the following:
• Sun SPARCstation
• Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.1.2 or higher) or Solaris 2.4 or higher
• At least 24 MB of RAM
• At least 32 MB of disk swap space
• Free hard disk space equal to 4 MB, plus space to accommodate your executable and any
files the executable requires
Translating the Message File
The message file, called msgrt
.txt where
is the version number of the Run-time Engine,
is a text file that contains the error messages that the Run-time Engine displays. It resides in
bin directory of the Run-time Engine installation directory. You can translate the message
file into other languages. To translate the message file, perform the following steps.
1. Copy the file to another name so you have it as a backup.
2. Use a text editor to modify
.txt. Translate only the text that is inside quotation
marks. You must not add or delete any message numbers.
3. Execute the
countmsg.exe or countmsg utility on the file to encode it for use with the
Run-time Engine, as in the following example:
countmsg msgrt5.txt
Configuring the Run-Time Engine
This section applies to you, the developer, and the user of your executable program. Feel free
to use the text in this section in the documentation for your executable program.
Solaris 1 Patches Required for Running Standalone Executable
Executables you create using LabWindows/CVI do not run properly on some versions of
Solaris 1 (SunOS 4) unless you patch the dynamic linker (
/usr/lib/ld.so). For this
reason, you might have to patch the operating system on the machine on which you install
your standalone executable.
The required patches are available from Sun and also come with LabWindows/CVI. You can
either install the patch automatically using the installation script in the directory that contains
the patch, or you may install the patch manually by following the instructions that come with
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