LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual I-4
National Instruments Corporation
distributing standalone executables. See
standalone executables, creating and
DLLEXPORT macro, 1-4, 3-22 to 3-23
DLLIMPORT macro, 1-4
DllMain function, in DLLs, 3-3
DLLs. See Windows 16-bit DLLs; Windows
32-bit DLLs.
DLLSTDCALL macro, 3-22, 3-24
dlopen function, Sun Solaris, 5-2
conventions used in manual, xiv-xv
organization of manual, xiii-xiv
related documentation, xv
doubles, returning, 3-7
DSTRules option, 7-7
duplicate typedefs, 1-4
dynamic memory protection, 1-15
dynamic memory protection errors
memory corruption (fatal), 1-11
memory deallocation (non-fatal), 1-11
Easy I/O for DAQ Library, 9-4
Edit menu
Function Tree Editor, 8-2
Source, Interactive Execution, and
Standard Input/Output windows, 3-3
electronic support services, B-1 to B-2
e-mail support, B-2
enum sizes, Windows 32-bit DLLs, 3-7
error checking, 9-1 to 9-7
Break on Library Errors option, 1-12,
7-19, 9-1
overview, 9-1
standalone executables, 7-19
status codes
checking function call status
codes, 9-1
returned by LabWindows/CVI
functions, 9-2 to 9-3
status reporting by libraries and
instrument drivers, 9-3 to 9-7
errors. See also user protection errors.
compiler-related error messages,
A-1 to A-46
events, multiplatform application
considerations, 6-3
executable file, required for standalone
executables, 7-8
executables, creating and distributing. See
standalone executables, creating and
export qualifiers
_export, 1-3
__export, 1-3, 3-22
exporting DLL functions and
variables, 3-22
purpose and use, 1-3 to 1-4
External Compiler Support command, Build
menu, 3-11, 3-13
external modules. See also loadable compiled
definition, 2-4
forcing referenced modules into
executable or DLL, 7-15
multiplatform application
considerations, 6-3
under UNIX
compiling with external compilers,
5-6 to 5-7
restrictions, 5-6
using loadable compiled module as, 2-4
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