Chapter 8 Distributing Libraries and Function Panels
National Instruments Corporation 8-3 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
National Instruments recommends that your installation program modify cvi.ini,
.cvi.ini, or the Registry, automatically. Under Windows 3.1, the modini program is in the
bin subdirectory for this purpose. A documentation file called
modini.doc and the source code are in the same directory.
Under Windows 95/NT, the
modreg program is in the LabWindows/CVI bin subdirectory
for this purpose. A documentation file called
modreg.doc and the source code are in the
same directory.
Assume that you install two
.fp files in the following locations:
If liba depends on libb, you must add the following path to the user’s Instrument
Directories list:
For LabWindows/CVI to be able to find the dependent file under Windows 3.1 and UNIX,
modini command file must be,
add InstrumentDirectories InstrDir "c:\genlib"
After the user installs the library files, the modini program must be run on the user’s disk
cvi.ini and the command file.
For LabWindows/CVI to be able to find the dependent file under Windows 95/NT, your
modreg command file must be,
setkey [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\National Instruments]
appendkey CVI\@latestVersion
add InstrumentDirectories InstrDir "c:\gewlib"
After the user installs the library files, the modreg program must be run on the user’s disk
using the command file.
Caution LabWindows/CVI must not be running when you use the modini or
program to modify
cvi.ini or the Registry. If LabWindows/CVI is running while
you use these programs, you will lose your changes.
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