LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual G-4
National Instruments Corporation
highlight The way in which input focus is displayed on a LabWindows/CVI
screen; to move the input focus onto an item.
immediate action command A menu bar item that has no menu items associated with it and causes
a command to execute immediately when you select it. An
immediate action command is suffixed with an exclamation point (!).
input control A function panel control that accepts a value you type in from the
keyboard. An input control can have a default value associated with
it. This value appears in the control when the panel is first displayed.
input focus Displayed on the screen as a highlight on an item, signifying that the
item is active. User input affects the item in the dialog box that has
the input focus.
instrument driver A set of high-level functions for controlling an instrument. It
encapsulates many low-level operations, such as data formatting and
GPIB, RS-232, and VXI communication, into intuitive, high-level
functions. An instrument driver can pertain to one particular
instrument or to a group of related instruments. An instrument driver
consists of a program and a set of function panels. The program
contains the code for the high-level functions. Associated with the
instrument program is an include file that declares the high-level
functions you can call, the global variables you can access, and the
defined constants you can use.
Interactive Execution window A LabWindows/CVI work area in which you can execute sections of
code without creating an entire program.
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