*Omit steps 5 & 6 if you want baking to start immediately.
To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically
1. Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad.
Indicator Words BAKE or CONVECT BAKE or CONVECT ROAST will flash and three
dasheswilt be shown in the Display.
2. Touch the Upor Down Arrow Pad(s)fordesired oventemperature appears inthe Display.
Afterfour seconds the oven will begin to preheat. The Indicator Words ON and BAKE or
CONVECTBAKEor CONVECTROAST willappearin theDisplay. Thetemperatureshown
will be 100° or the actual temperature of the oven, whichever is higher.
Example: Ifat t 0 o'cloekyou setthe oven for350°forconvection baking, afterfour seconds
the Disp/aywil/show:
During the preheat, the Display will show a rise in 5° increments until programmed
temperature is reached. When the oven is preheated, the oven will beep once, the ON
IndicatorWordwillgo off, andthe CONVECTBAKE Indicator Wordsand programmedoven
temperature will remain in the Display.
Important: Whenever ON appears in the Display, the oven is heating.
3. Touch Cook Time Pad.
Indicator Words COOK TIME will flash and Display will show "0 HR:00".
4. Touch the Up Arrow Pad to enter cooking hours and minutes.
Hours are to the left of colon and minutes to the right of colon.
(Allowable range is 10minutes to 11 hours and 55 minutes.)
Example: Ifcooking time selectedfor the oven is 2 hours and 30 rainutes, the Display will
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After four seconds, the time of day returns to the Display.
Important: Oven willpreheat for approximately 7 to 11minutes. At the end ofthe preheat,
there will beone beep. At end of programmed Cook Time, ovenwill shut off automatically
and retained heat will continue to cook the food. Clock controlled cooking is not
recommendedfor baked items thatrequire apreheated oven, suchas cakes, cookies,pies,
breads. For these foods, place food in preheated oven, then useTimer to signal end of
baking time.
At theend of programmed Cook Time, the oven will shut off automatically, four beeps will
beheardandthe word "End" will showinthe Display. The beeps willcontinue at one beep
per minute for one hour or until the Cancel Off Pad is touched.