When the oven controls are set to CLEAN, the oven heats to temperaturesthat are
higherthan those used for cooking. The high temperaturescausefood soil to burn off
and substantially disappear. While this occurs, a device in the oven vent helps to
consume normalamountsof smoke. The oven is vented throughan openingunderthe
air grille.
• Removethe broilerpanandanyother utensilsfromthe oven. Theseutensilscannot
withstand the high temperatures of the cleaningprocess.
• Cleanspattersandspillsfromthose areaswhichwill not be cleanedduringthe self-
cleaning process:
- center front of oven and door near opening in door gasket.
- porcelainoven door liner (area outsidethe door gasket).
- oven front frame. _-_ 7--777;_
Note: DO NOT CLEAN serial plate located on the
ovenfront -
To clean these areas, use hot water and detergent,
nonabrasivecleansers or soapfilled steel wool pads. _ ,_,.,
amount of waterthat would dampen the door gasket.
Soilleft in these areas willbe more difficultto remove
afferthe self-cleaningprocesssince the high heat will
bake onany soil thatispresent. DO NOT USECOMMERCIALOVEN CLEANERS
DOOR. The gasket is essential for a good door seal. Rubbingor cleaning will
damage the gasket and may affect the seal.
• Wipe up excessgrease andfoodspillovers whichhavenot bakedon the bottom of
the oven. Large accumulationsof soil can cause heavy smoke or fire in the oven
duringthe cleaningprocess. Foreaseofcleaning,the heatingelementcan belifted
• Although smoke or fire in the oven is a normal occurrence and there is no safety
problem,there will beventing of excessive smoke andodor. Smokeand odorcan
be removedfrom the kitchen by turning on the ventilation system.