Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
CTC Window
4.6.4 Print and Export CTC Data
You can use the File > Print or File > Export options to print or export CTC provisioning information
for record keeping or troubleshooting. The functions can be performed in card, node, or network views.
The File > Print function sends the data to a local or network printer. File > Export exports the data to a
file where it can be imported into other computer applications, such as spreadsheets and database
management programs.
Whether you choose to print or export data, you can choose from the following options:
Circuits Creates, deletes, edits, and
search circuits, and completes
Circuits, Rolls
Provisioning Provisions a card. 15310-MA SDH electrical cards: Wideband Ports,
Broadband Ports, E1 (subtabs include Line, Line
Thresholds, Elect Path Thresholds, and SDH
Thresholds); DS3 (subtabs include Line, Line
Thresholds, Elect Path Thresholds, and SDH
Thresholds); E3 (subtabs include Line, SDH
Thresholds, and SDH VC high-order path)
15310E-CTX-K9 card: Optical (subtabs include
Line, SDH Thresholds, SDH VC high-order path,
and Optics Thresholds); Pluggable Port Modules;
External Alarms; External Controls, and Alarm
Ethernet cards (subtabs depend on the card type):
Ether Ports, POS Ports, Ether VLAN, Ether Card,
Card, Ether Thresholds, Alarm Profiles
Maintenance Performs maintenance tasks for
the card.
15310-MA SDH electrical cards: E1 (subtabs
include Loopback, Protection, Path Trace
Automatic In Service Soak); DS3 (subtabs include
Loopback, Protection, Path Trace Automatic In
Service Soak); E3(subtabs include Loopback,
Protection, Path Trace Automatic In Service Soak)
15310E-CTX-K9 card: Optical (subtabs include
Loopback, ALS, Protection, Path Trace Automatic
In Service Soak); External Alarms; External
Controls; and Virtual Wires
Ethernet cards: Path Trace, Loopback, VC (virtual
container) Allocation, Bandwidth, Automatic In
Service Soak
Performance Performs performance
monitoring for the card.
15310E-CTX-K9 card: E1, DS3, E3, Optical
Ethernet cards (subtabs depend on the card type):
Ether Ports, POS Ports
Table 4-10 Card View Tabs and Subtabs (continued)
Tab Description Subtabs