Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 11 Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring for Ethernet Cards
Table 11-9 defines the CE-100T-8, CE-MR-6, and ML-100T-8 card POS ports parameters for HDLC
Table 11-10 defines the CE-100T-8, CE-MR-6, and ML-100T-8 card POS ports parameter for GFP-F
Table 11-9 CE-100T-8, CE-MR-6, and ML-100T-8 POS Ports Parameters for HDLC Mode
Parameter Definition
Time Last Cleared A time stamp indicating the last time statistics were reset.
Link Status Indicates whether the Ethernet link is receiving a valid Ethernet
signal (carrier) from the attached Ethernet device; up means
present, and down means not present.
iflnOctets The total number of octets received on the interface, including
framing octets.
txTotalPkts The total number of transmit packets.
ifInDiscards The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded
even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
iflnErrors Number of inbound packets discarded because they contain errors.
ifOutOctets The total number of transmitted octets, including framing packets.
rxTotalPkts The total number of receive packets.
ifOutOversizePkts Number of packets larger than 1518 bytes sent out into SDH.
Packets larger than 1600 bytes do not get transmitted.
mediaIndStatsRxFramesBadCRC A count of the received Fibre Channel frames with errored CRCs.
hdlcRxAborts Number of received packets aborted before input.
ifInPayloadCRCErrors The number of receive data frames with payload CRC errors.
ifOutPayloadCRCErrors The number of transmit data frames with payload CRC errors.
ifOutDiscards Number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded
even though no errors had been detected to prevent their
transmission. A possible reason for discarding such packets could
be to create buffer space.
Note ifOutDiscards is not supported on ML cards.
Table 11-10 CE-100T-8, CE-MR-6, and ML-100T-8 POS Ports Parameters for GFP-F Mode
Parameter Definition
Time Last Cleared A time stamp indicating the last time statistics were reset.
Link Status Indicates whether the Ethernet link is receiving a valid Ethernet
signal (carrier) from the attached Ethernet device; up means
present, and down means not present.
iflnOctets The total number of octets received on the interface, including
framing octets.