Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
PC, UNIX and Mac Workstation Requirements
Table 4-1 CTC Computer Requirements
Area Requirements Notes
(PC only)
Pentium 4 processor or equivalent A faster CPU is recommended if your
workstation runs multiple applications
or if CTC manages a network with a
large number of nodes and circuits.
RAM 512 MB RAM or more (1 GB RAM or more
for Release 9.2)
A minimum of 1 GB is recommended if
your workstation runs multiple
applications or if CTC manages a
network with a large number of nodes
and circuits.
Hard drive 20 GB hard drive with 100MB of free space
required (250 MB of free space required for
Release 9.2)
CTC application files are downloaded
from the TCC2/TCC2P to your
computer. These files occupy around
100MB (250MB to be safer) or more
space depending on the number of
versions in the network.
• PC: Windows 2000, Windows XP,
Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server
2003 (Windows 7, Windows Server
2008 for Release 9.2)
• Workstation: Solaris version 9 or 10
• Apple Mac OS X, CTC Needs to be
installed using the CacheInstaller
available on CCO or the Release CD (for
Release 9.2).
Use the latest patch/Service Pack
released by the OS vendor. Check with
the vendor for the latest patch/Service
Java Runtime
JRE 5.0 (JRE 1.6 for Release 9.2) JRE 5.0 (JRE 1.6 for Release 9.2) is
installed by the CTC Installation
Wizard included on the Cisco ONS
15454 software CD. JRE 5.0 (JRE 1.6
for Release 9.2) provides
enhancements to CTC performance,
especially for large networks with
numerous circuits.
Cisco recommends that you use JRE
5.0 for networks with Software R9.1
(JRE 1.6 for Release 9.2) nodes. If CTC
must be launched directly from nodes
running software R7.0 or R7.2, Cisco
recommends JRE 1.4.2 or JRE 5.0. If
CTC must be launched directly from
nodes running software R5.0 or R6.0,
Cisco recommends JRE 1.4.2.If CTC
must be launched directly from nodes
running software earlier than R5.0,
Cisco recommends JRE 1.3.1_02.