Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
CTC Default Settings
Changes that are made manually to most node-level default settings override the current settings,
whether default or provisioned. If you change node-level default settings, either by using the Defaults
editor or by importing a new defaults file, the new defaults reprovision the node immediately for all
settings except those relating to protection (1+1 bidirectional switching, 1+1 reversion time, and 1+1
revertive). Settings relating to protection apply to subsequent provisioning.
Note Changing some node-level provisioning through NE defaults can cause CTC disconnection or a reboot
of the node in order for the provisioning to take effect. Before you change a default, check in the Side
Effects column of the Defaults editor (right-click a column header and select Show Column > Side
Effects) and be prepared for the occurrence of any side effects listed for that default.
C.2 CTC Default Settings
Table C-1 lists the CTC-level default settings for the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH. CTC-level settings
affect CTC sessions for the entire network. Cisco provides the following types of user-configurable
defaults for CTC:
• Automatic Routing—Set circuit creation with the Route Automatically check box selected by
• Create TL1-like—Set whether to create only TL1-like circuits; that is, instruct the node to create
only cross-connects, allowing the resulting circuits to be in an upgradable state.
• Network Map—Set the default network map (which country’s map is displayed in CTC network
Note The CTC.network.LocalDomainCreationAndViewing NE default has been removed. You can provision
this setting in the CTC Preferences page.
C.3 Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Card Default Settings
The tables in this section list the default settings for Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH common control,
electrical, and data cards. Cisco provides several types of user-configurable defaults for these cards.
Types of card defaults can be broadly grouped by function, as outlined in the following subsections. For
information about individual card settings, refer to the “Change Port Settings” chapter of the
Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Procedure Guide.
Table C-1 CTC Default Settings
Default Name Default Value Default Domain
CTC.circuits.CreateLikeTL1 FALSE TRUE, FALSE
CTC.circuits.RouteAutomatically TRUE TRUE, FALSE
CTC.circuits.RouteAutomaticallyDefaultOverridable TRUE TRUE, FALSE
CTC.network.Map United States -none-, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea,
United Kingdom, United States