Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
CTC Software Delivery Methods
Figure 4-1 CTC Software Versions in an ONS 15310-MA SDH (Node View)
4.1.2 CTC Software Installed on the PC or UNIX Workstation
CTC software Java Archive (JAR) files are installed on your computer using one of the following
• The JAR files are downloaded from the 15310E-CTX-K9 card and installed on your computer
automatically the first time you connect to an ONS 15310-MA SDH. Downloading the CTC
software files at login ensures that your computer has the same CTC software version as the ONS
15310-MA SDH you are accessing. The CTC JAR files are stored in the temporary directory
designated by your computer operating system.
You can use the Delete CTC Cache button to remove files. If the files are deleted, they are
downloaded the next time you connect to an ONS node. Downloading the CTC JAR files may take
1-2 minutes, or 45-50 minutes, depending on the bandwidth of the connection between your
workstation and the ONS 15310-MA SDH. JAR files downloaded from a modem or a data
communication channel (DCC) network link will require more time than JAR files downloaded over
a LAN connection.
• You can install the JAR files on your computer using the CTC setup wizard provided on the CTC
software CD. If you install the JAR files with the setup wizard you do not need to wait for the files
to download the first time you log into the node. In addition, you can manage ONS 15310-MA SDH
nodes that are added to networks with ONS nodes running older software releases. After you install
the JAR files, you can log into an ONS 15454 running an earlier software release and manage the
ONS 15310-MA SDH nodes. However, if you use the Delete CTC Cache function, you must reinstall
the JAR files from the software CD.