Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 11 Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring Parameter Definitions
Rx ES-P Receive Path Errored Second (ES-P) is a one-second period with one or
more errored blocks or at least one defect.
Rx ESR-P Receive Path Errored Second Ratio (ESR-P) is the ratio of errored seconds
to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement interval.
Rx SES-P Receive Path Severely Errored Seconds (SES-P) is a one-second period
containing 30 percent or more errored blocks or at least one defect; SES is
a subset of ES.
Rx SESR-P Receive Path Severely Errored Second Ratio (SESR-P) is the ratio of SES
to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement interval.
Rx UAS-P Receive Path Unavailable Seconds (UAS-P) is a count of one-second
intervals when the E-1 path is unavailable on the signal receive end. The
E-1 path is unavailable when ten consecutive SESs occur. The ten SESs are
included in unavailable time. After the E-1 path becomes unavailable, it
becomes available when ten consecutive seconds occur with no SESs. The
ten seconds with no SESs are excluded from unavailable time.
Rx BBER-P Receive Path Background Block Error Ratio (BBER-P) is the ratio of BBE
to total blocks in available time during a fixed measurement interval. The
count of total blocks excludes all blocks during SESs.
SASCP-P SEF/AIS Second (SASCP-P) is a count of one-second intervals containing
one or more near-end SEF/AIS defects.
SASP-P SEF/AIS Seconds Path (SASP-P) is a count of one-second intervals
containing one or more SEFs or one or more AIS defects on the path.
SES Severely Errored Seconds (SES) is a one-second period containing 30
percent or more errored blocks or at least one defect. SES is a subset of ES.
SESCP-P Severely Errored Seconds CP-bit Path (SESCP-P) is a count of seconds
containing more than 44 CP-bit parity errors, one or more SEF defects, or
one or more AIS defects.
SESCP-PFE Severely Errored Seconds CP-bit Path Far End (SESCP-PFE) is a count of
one-second intervals containing one or more 44 M-frames with the three
FEBE bits not all collectively set to 1, or with one or more far-end SEF/AIS
MS-SES A count of the seconds containing more than a particular quantity of
anomalies (BPV + EXZ >
44) and/or defects on the line.
SES-P Severely Errored Seconds Path (SES-P) is a one-second period containing
at least one defect. SES-P is a subset of ES-P.
SES-PFE Far-End Path Severely Errored Seconds (SES-PFE) is a one-second period
containing at least one defect. SES-PFE is a subset of ES-PFE.
SES-PM Path Monitoring Severely Errored Seconds (SES-PM) indicates the
severely errored seconds recorded in the OTN path during the PM time
SESP-P Severely Errored Seconds Path (SESP-P) is a count of seconds containing
more than 44 P-bit parity violations, one or more SEF defects, or one or
more AIS defects.
Table 11-2 Performance Monitoring Parameters (continued)
Parameter Definition