Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Alarm Monitoring and Management
This chapter describes Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) alarm management. To troubleshoot specific
alarms, refer to the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Troubleshooting Guide. Chapter topics include:
• 10.1 Overview, page 10-1
• 10.2 Viewing Alarms, page 10-1
• 10.3 Alarm Severities, page 10-9
• 10.4 Alarm Profiles, page 10-9
• 10.5 Alarm Suppression, page 10-12
• 10.6 External Alarms and Controls, page 10-13
10.1 Overview
Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) detects and reports SDH alarms generated by the Cisco
ONS 15310-MA SDH and the larger SDH network. You can use CTC to monitor and manage alarms at
the card, node, or network level. You can set alarm severities in customized alarm profiles or suppress
CTC alarm reporting. For a detailed description of the standard Telcordia categories employed by
Optical Networking System (ONS) nodes, refer the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Procedure Guide.
Note ONS 15310-MA SDH alarms can also be monitored and managed through Transaction Language One
(TL1) or a network management system (NMS).
10.2 Viewing Alarms
You can use the Alarms tab to view card, node, or network-level alarms. This means that if a network
problem causes two alarms, such as loss of frame (LOF) and loss of signal (LOS), CTC only shows the
LOS alarm in this window because it supersedes LOF. (The LOF alarm can still be retrieved in the
Conditions window.)
The Path Width column in the Alarms and Conditions tabs expands upon alarmed object information
contained in the access identifier (AID) string (such as “VC-4-1-3”) by giving the number of
synchronous transport signals (VCs) contained in the alarmed path. For example, the Path Width will tell
you whether a Critical alarm applies to an VC3 or an VC4-16c. The column reports the width as a 1, 3,
6, 12, 48, etc. as appropriate, understood to be “VC-N.”