Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 11 Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring Parameter Definitions
MS-PSC-W For a working line in a two-fiber MS-SPRing, Multiplex Section Protection
Switching Count-Working (MS-PSC-W) is a count of the number of times
traffic switches away from the working capacity in the failed line and back
to the working capacity after the failure is cleared. MS-PSC-W increments
on the failed working line and MS-PSC increments on the active protect
For a working line in a four-fiber MS-SPRing, MS-PSC-W is a count of the
number of times service switches from a working line to a protection line
plus the number of times it switches back to the working line. MS-PSC-W
increments on the failed line and MS-PSC-R or MS-PSC-S increments on
the active protect line.
MS-PSD Multiplex Section Protection Switching Duration (MS-PSD) applies to the
length of time, in seconds, that service is carried on the protection line. For
a working line, MS-PSD is a count of the number of seconds that service
was carried on the protection line.
For the protection line, MS-PSD is a count of the seconds that the line was
used to carry service. The MS-PSD PM is only applicable if revertive
line-level protection switching is used. MS-PSD increments on the active
protect line and MS-PSD-W increments on the failed working line.
MS-PSD-R In a four-fiber MS-SPRing, Multiplex Section Protection Switching
Duration-Ring (MS-PSD-R) is a count of the seconds that the protection
line was used to carry service. A count is only incremented if ring
switching is used.
MS-PSD-S In a four-fiber MS-SPRing, Multiplex Section Protection Switching
Duration-Span (MS-PSD-S) is a count of the seconds that the protection
line was used to carry service. A count is only incremented if span
switching is used.
MS-PSD-W For a working line in a two-fiber MS-SPRing, Multiplex Section Protection
Switching Duration-Working (MS-PSD-W) is a count of the number of
seconds that service was carried on the protection line. MS-PSD-W
increments on the failed working line and PSD increments on the active
protect line.
MS-SES Multiplex Section Severely Errored Second (MS-SES) is a one-second
period which contains 30 percent or more errored blocks or at least one
defect. SES is a subset of ES. For more information, refer to ITU-T G.829
Section 5.1.3.
MS-SESR Multiplex Section Severely Errored Second ratio (MS-SESR) is the ratio
of SES to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement
MS-UAS Multiplex Section Unavailable Seconds (MS-UAS) is a count of the
seconds when the section was unavailable. A section becomes unavailable
when ten consecutive seconds occur that qualify as MS-SESs, and it
continues to be unavailable until ten consecutive seconds occur that do not
qualify as MS-SESs. When the condition is entered, MS-SESs decrement
and then count toward MS-UAS.
Table 11-2 Performance Monitoring Parameters (continued)
Parameter Definition