Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 10 Alarm Monitoring and Management
Viewing Alarms Retrieving and Displaying Conditions
The current set of all existing conditions maintained by the alarm manager can be seen when you click
the Retrieve button. The set of conditions retrieved is relative to the view. For example, if you click the
button while displaying the node view, node-specific conditions appear. If you click the button while
displaying the network view, all conditions for the network (including ONS 15310-MA SDH nodes and
other connected nodes) appear, and the card view shows only card-specific conditions.
You can also set a node to display conditions using the time zone where the node is located, rather than
the time zone of the PC where they are being viewed. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Procedure
Guide for instructions. Conditions Column Descriptions
Table 10-6 lists the Conditions window column headings and the information recorded in each column.
Table 10-5 Conditions Display
Button Action
Retrieve Retrieves the current set of all existing fault conditions (maintained by the
alarm manager) from the ONS 15310-MA SDH.
Filter Allows you to change the Conditions window display to only show the
conditions that meet a certain severity level or occur in a specified time. For
example, you can set the filter so that only Critical conditions display on the
There is a Filter tool on the lower-right of the window that allows you to
enable or disable the filter feature.
Table 10-6 Conditions Column Description
Column Information Recorded
Date Date and time of the condition.
Node Shows the name of the node where the condition or alarm occurred. (Visible in network
Object TL1 AID for the condition object. For an VCMON-LP or VTmon, this is the monitored
VC high-order path or VC low-order path object, which is explained in Table 10-3 on
page 10-3.
Eqpt Type Card type in this slot (appears only in network and node view).
Shelf For DWDM configurations, the shelf where the alarmed object is located. Visible in
network view.
Slot Slot where the condition occurred (appears only in network and node view).
Port Port where the condition occurred. For VCTRM-LP and VTTerm, the port refers to the
upstream card it is partnered with.
Path Width Width of the signal path