Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Appendix B Administrative and Service States
Service State Transitions
B.3 Service State Transitions
This section describes the transition from one service state to the next for cards, ports, and
cross-connects. A service state transition is based on the action performed on the entity.
Note When an entity is put in the locked, maintenance administrative state, the ONS 15310-MA SDH
suppresses all standing alarms on that entity. All alarms and events appear on the Conditions tab. You
can change this behavior for the LPBKFACILITY and LPBKTERMINAL alarms. To display these
alarms on the Alarms tab, set the NODE.general.ReportLoopbackConditionsOnOOS-MTPorts to TRUE
on the NE Defaults tab.
B.3.1 Card Service State Transitions
Table B-4 lists card service state transitions.
Table B-3 ONS 15310-MA SDH Administrative States
Administrative State
(PST,SST) Definition
unlocked Puts the entity in-service.
Automatic In Service Puts the entity in automatic in-service.
locked, disabled Removes the entity from service and disables it.
locked, maintenance Removes the entity from service for maintenance.
locked, outOfGroup (VCAT circuits only) Removes a VCAT member cross-connect
from service and from the group of members.
Table B-4 ONS 15310-MA SDH Card Service State Transitions
Current Service State Action Next Service State
unlocked-enabled Change the administrative state
to locked, maintenance.
Delete the card. locked-disabled,unassigned
Pull the card. locked-disabled,notInstalled
Reset the card. locked-disabled,softwareDownl
Alarm/condition is raised. locked-disabled,FLT
locked-disabled,Automatic In
Service and
Pull the card. locked-disabled,Automatic In
Service & notInstalled
Delete the card. locked-disabled,unassigned if
the card is valid
ipment & unassigned if the card
is invalid