Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Appendix B Administrative and Service States
Service State Transitions
B.3.2 Port and Cross-Connect Service State Transitions
Table B-5 lists the port and cross-connect service state transitions. Port states do not impact
cross-connect states with one exception. A cross-connect in the locked-disabled,Automatic In Service
service state cannot transition autonomously into the unlocked-enabled service state until the parent port
is in the unlocked-enabled service state.
You cannot transition a port from the unlocked-enabled service state to the locked-enabled,disabled
service state. You must first put the port in the locked-enabled,maintenance service state. Once a port is
in the locked-enabled,maintenance state, the NODE.general.ForceToOosDsbldStateChange default
setting of TRUE allows you to put a port in locked-enabled,disabled even if the following conditions
• The port is a timing source.
• The port is used for line, section, or tunneling DCC.
• The port supports 1+1 protection or bidirectional line switched rings (MS_SPRings).
• Cross-connects are present on the port.
• Overhead connections or overhead terminations are in use (such as express orderwire, local
orderwire, or user data channels [UDCs]).
To change this behavior so that you cannot put a port in locked-enabled,disabled if any of these
conditions exist, set the NODE.general.ForceToOosDsbldStateChange default setting to FALSE. For the
procedure to change node defaults, refer to the “Maintain the Node” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15310-MA
SDH Procedure Guide.
Note Deleting a port or cross-connect removes the entity from the system. The deleted entity does not
transition to another service state.
locked-disabled,unassigned &
Insert a valid card. locked-disabled,softwareDownl
Insert an invalid card. locked-disabled,mismatchofEqu
ipment & unassigned
Preprovision a card. locked-disabled,Automatic In
Service & notInstalled
locked-enabled,maintenance Change the administrative state
to unlocked.
Delete the card. locked-disabled,unassigned
Pull the card. locked-disabled,maintenance &
Reset the card. locked-disabled,maintenance &
Alarm/condition is raised. locked-disabled,FLT &
Table B-4 ONS 15310-MA SDH Card Service State Transitions (continued)
Current Service State Action Next Service State