Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 11 Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring for Ethernet Cards CE-100T-8, CE-MR-6, and ML-100T-8 Card POS Ports Utilization Window
The POS Ports Utilization window shows the percentage of Tx and Rx line bandwidth used by the POS
ports during consecutive time segments. The POS Ports Utilization window provides an Interval
drop-down list that enables you to set time intervals of 1 minute, 15 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day. Line
utilization for POS ports is calculated with the following formulas:
Rx = (inOctets * 8) / (interval * maxBaseRate)
Tx = (outOctets * 8) / (interval * maxBaseRate)
The interval is defined in seconds. The maxBaseRate is defined by raw bits per second in one direction
for the Ethernet port (that is, 1 Gbps).
Refer to Table 11-7 on page 11-22 for maxBaseRate values for VC high-order path circuits.
Note Line utilization numbers express the average of ingress and egress traffic as a percentage of capacity.
txTotalPkts The total number of transmit packets.
ifInDiscards The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded
even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
iflnErrors Number of inbound packets discarded because they contain errors.
ifOutOctets The total number of transmitted octets, including framing packets.
rxTotalPkts The total number of receive packets.
ifOutOversizePkts Number of packets larger than 1518 bytes sent out into SDH.
Packets larger than 1600 bytes do not get transmitted.
gfpStatsRxSBitErrors Receive frames with single bit errors (cHEC, tHEC, eHEC).
gfpStatsRxMBitErrors Receive frames with multibit errors (cHEC, tHEC, eHEC).
gfpStatsRxTypeInvalid Receive frames with invalid type (PTI, EXI, UPI).
gfpStatsRxCRCErrors Receive data frames with payload CRC errors.
gfpStatsRxCIDInvalid Receive frames with invalid CID.
gfpStatsCSFRaised Number of Rx client management frames with client signal fail
ifInPayloadCRCErrors The number of receive data frames with payload CRC errors.
ifOutPayloadCRCErrors The number of transmit data frames with payload CRC errors.
gfpStatsRxFrame Number of received GFP frames.
gfpStatsTxOctets Number of GFP bytes transmitted.
ifOutDiscards Number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even
though no errors had been detected to prevent their transmission. A
possible reason for discarding such packets could be to create buffer
Note ifOutDiscards is not supported on ML cards.
Table 11-10 CE-100T-8, CE-MR-6, and ML-100T-8 POS Ports Parameters for GFP-F Mode (continued)
Parameter Definition