Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
UBR Connection Policing 7-35
Leaky Bucket 1 7-35
Leaky Bucket 2 7-35
Traffic Shaping for CBR, VBR, and UBR 7-37
Configuration 7-37
Traffic Shaping Rates 7-38
LMI and ILMI Parameters 7-38
Chapter 8 ATM and Frame Relay SVCs,
and SPVCs 8-1
ATM and Frame Relay SVCs and SPVCs 8-1
PVCs and SVCs 8-2
PVCs 8-2
SPVCs 8-2
SVCs 8-3
BPX Switch and ESP Interfaces 8-4
Interim Inter-switch Protocol Routing 8-4
PNNI 8-4
Signaling Plane 8-5
UNI Signaling Channel 8-5
NNI Signaling Channel 8-6
Network Interworking Between Frame Relay and ATM 8-7
Extended Services Processor 8-8
ESP Interfaces 8-8
Stand-Alone ESP 8-9
Redundant ESPs 8-9
Y-Cable Redundancy 8-10
Other Redundancy Options 8-11
Network Management 8-11
Resource Partitioning 8-11
Chapter 9 Tag Switching 9-1
Introduction 9-1
Tag Switching Benefits 9-2
Tag Switching Overview 9-2
Elements in a Tag Switching Network 9-3
Tag Switching Operation at Layer 3 9-3
Forwarding 9-3
Control 9-4
Tag Switching in an ATM WAN 9-4
Forwarding 9-4
Control 9-5
Tag Switching and the BPX 8650 9-7