9-36 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
This command configures resources among AutoRoute PVCs and VSI partitions.
cnfrsrc slot.port maxpvclcns maxpvcbw partition e/d minvsilcns maxvsilcns vsistartvpi
vsiendvpi vsiminbw vsimaxbw
cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 1 e 512 7048 2 15 26000 100000
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Parameter (cnfrsrc) Description
slot.port Specifies the slot and port number for the BXM
maxpvclcns The maximum number of LCNs allocated for AutoRoute PVCs for this port. For
trunks there are additional LCNs allocated for AutoRoute that are not configurable.
The dspcd <slot> command displays the maximum number of LCNs configurable
via the cnfrsrc command for the given port. For trunks, "configurable LCNs"
represent the LCNs remaining after the BCC has subtracted the "additional LCNs"
For a port card, a larger number is shown, as compared with a trunk card.
Setting this field to zero would enable configuring all of the configurable LCNs to
the VSI.
maxpvcbw The maximum bandwidth of the port allocated for AutoRoute use.
partition Partition number
e/d enables or disables the VSI partition