BME Multicasting 10-9
If the multicast tree has a large number of leaf connections, for example, 3000, then the cnfportq
command should be used to configure the Qbin threshold to be greater than needed for half the
number of leaves so as to assure that the multicast group will have no discards. The Qbin default
depth is about 1200 cells.
Qbin example using cnfportq command:
j4b VT SuperUser ~ BPX 15 9.1.sj Feb. 24 1998 16:59 PST
Port: 3.2 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: LM-BXM
Type: NNI
Speed: 1412830 (cps)
SVC Queue Pool Size: 0
CBR Queue Depth: 1200
CBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
CBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
CBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
VBR Queue Depth: 10000 UBR/ABR Queue Depth: 40000
VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% UBR/ABR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue EFCI Threshold: 30%
This Command: cnfportq 3.2
SVC Queue Pool Size [0]:
Virtual Terminal CD
Connection Diagnostics
• tstconseg and tsdelay commands may be used to troubleshoot a leaf connection both from the
BME end point as well as on the other end point
• tstconseg is available on the root connection only on the non-BME end point
• tstconseg is not supported from the BME end of the root connection
• tstdelay is not supported on root connections.
List of Terms
The card used in the BPX switch to provide multicasting.
Related Documents
• Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference Manual
Configuration Management
The BPX switch must be initially installed, configured, and connected to a network.
Following this, multi-casting connections can be added to the BPX switch.