11-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Troubleshooting the BPX Switch
Displaying the Status of Cards in the Node
When a card indicates a failed condition on the alarm summary screen, use the Display Cards
(dspcds) command to display the status of the circuit cards on a node. The information displayed for
each card type includes the card slot number, software revision level, and the status of the card. The
possible status description for each card type are listed in Table 11-2. Refer to the Cisco WAN
Switching Command Reference for more information on the Display Cards command.
Table 11-2 Card Status for the BPX Switch
Card Type Status
1. Cards with an F status (no terminal failure) are activated only when necessary. Cards with a failed status are never
All card types Active Active card.
Active - F Active card with no terminal failure.
Standby Standby card.
Standby - F Standby card with no terminal failure.
Standby - T Standby card performing diagnostics.
Standby - F -T Standby card with no terminal failure performing diagnostics.
Failed Card with terminal failure.
Unavailable Card is present but it may be in one of the following states:
a. The node does not recognize the card.
b. The card is running diagnostics.
Down Downed card.
Empty No card in that slot.
BCC Same status as for all card types, plus:
Updating Standby BCC downloading the network configuration from an
active BCC.
Note: Red FAIL LED flashes during updating.
Cleared BCC is preparing to become active.
There are downloader commands that appear when the system
is down- loading software to the BCC.
Minor BCC Redundancy alarm indicates node is configured for
redundancy but no standby BCC is equipped.