9-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Configuration Criteria
A detailed description of the cnfrsrc parameters is provided later in this chapter in the Command
Reference section under the heading cnfrsrc. A brief summary of the parameters and their use is
provided in Table 9-4.
Table 9-4 cnfrsrc Parameter Summary
Parameter (cnfrsrc)
Value Description
slot.port 4.1 Specifies the slot and port number for the BXM
maxpvclcns 256 The maximum number of LCNs allocated for AutoRoute PVCs for this port.
maxpvcbw 26000 The maximum bandwidth of the port allocated for AutoRoute use.
partition 1 Partition number
e/d e enables or disables the VSI partition
minvsilcns 512 The minimum number of LCNs guaranteed for this partition.
maxvsilcns 7048 The total number of LCNs the partition is allowed for setting up connections.
Cannot exceed the port group max shown by The dspcd command.
2 Should be set to “2” or higher for ports in trunk mode because “1” is reserved for
AutoRoute. For ports in port mode it should be set to “1”. By default the TSC (e.g,
7200 or 7500 series router) will use either a starting VSI VPI of 1 or 2 for tag
switching, whichever is available. They default to 1.
vsiendvpi 15 Two VPIs are sufficient for the current release, although it may be advisable to
reserve a larger range of VPIs for later expansion, for example, VPIs 2-15.
vsiminbw 26000 The minimum port bandwidth allocated to this partition in cells/sec. Not used in
this release. Entered values are ignored.
vsimaxbw 100000 The maximum port bandwidth guaranteed to this partition. The actual bw may be
as high as the line rate. This value is used for VSI QBIN bandwidth scaling.