6-48 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Resource Partitioning
Example: BXM cnftrk Command
ins-bpx6 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Sep. 24 1997 07:45 GMT
TRK 3.1 Config OC3 [304301cps] BXM slot: 3
Transmit Rate: 353208 Line framing: STS-3C
Subrate data rate: -- coding: --
Line DS-0 map: -- CRC: --
Statistical Reserve: 1000 cps recv impedance: --
Idle code: 7F hex cable type: --
Max Channels/Port: 256 length: --
Connection Channels: 256 Pass sync: Yes
Traffic: V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,VBR,ABR Loop clock: No
SVC Vpi Min: 0 HCS Masking: Yes
SVC Channels: 2000 Payload Scramble: Yes
SVC Bandwidth: 300000 cps Frame Scramble: Yes
Restrict CC traffic: No Virtual Trunk Type: --
Link type: Terrestrial Virtual Trunk VPI: --
Routing Cost: 10 Deroute delay time: 0 seconds
This Command: cnftrk 3.1
Stat Reserve (1000):
Step 4 Configure the SVC Vpi Min, SVC Channels and SVC Bandwidth as desired.
Step 5 Next configure the SVC Queue depth with cnftrkparms <trunk_num> command shown
in the following example:
Example: BXM cnftrkparm Command
ins-bpx6 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Sep. 24 1997 07:46 GMT
TRK 3.1 Parameters
1 Q Depth - Voice [ 885] (Dec) 15 Q Depth - CBR [ 600] (Dec)
2 Q Depth - Non-TS [ 1324] (Dec) 16 Q Depth - VBR [ 5000] (Dec)
3 Q Depth - TS [ 1000] (Dec) 17 Q Depth - ABR [20000] (Dec)
4 Q Depth - BData A [10000] (Dec) 18 Low CLP - CBR [ 100] (%)
5 Q Depth - BData B [10000] (Dec) 19 High CLP - CBR [ 100] (%)
6 Q Depth - High Pri [ 1000] (Dec) 20 Low CLP - VBR [ 100] (%)
7 Max Age - Voice [ 20] (Dec) 21 High CLP - VBR [ 100] (%)
8 Red Alm - I/O (Dec) [ 2500 / 10000]22 Low CLP - ABR [ 60] (%)
9 Yel Alm - I/O (Dec) [ 2500 / 10000]23 High CLP - ABR [ 80] (%)
10 Low CLP - BData A [ 100] (%) 24 EFCN - ABR [ 30] (%)
11 High CLP - BData A [ 100] (%) 25 SVC Queue Pool Size [ 5000] (Dec)
12 Low CLP - BData B [ 25] (%)
13 High CLP - BData B [ 75] (%)
14 EFCN - BData B [ 30] (Dec)
This Command: cnftrkparm 3.1
Step 6 Configure the SVC Queue Pool Size as desired.
Step 7 Partition the SVC resources for all the other BXMs in the BPX switch.