D-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Install the AT3-6ME in a rack adjacent to the BPX enclosure (allowing room for any AC Power
Supply Assembly that may also need to be mounted) or in the IPX enclosure wherever there is space
for the AT3-6ME adapter.
System Connections
Two short BNC-BNC cables are required to connect the AT3-6ME to the BPX or IPX node.
Step 1 For use with BPX switch, connect one cable between one of the three TX connectors on
a selected BPX LM-3T3 card and the T3-RX connector on the AT3-6ME back panel. For
IPX applications, connect to the TX connector on the ATMT back card.
Step 2 Connect the other cable between the associated RX connector on the BPX LM-3T3 or
ATMT card and the T3-TX connector on the AT3-6ME back panel.
Step 3 Connect the cable coming from the 6 Mbps facility to the T2-RX connector on the
AT3- 6M E.
Step 4 Connect the cable going to the 6 Mbps facility to the T2-TX connector on the AT3-6ME.
Step 5 Connect the AC power cord to the IEC connector on the rear of the AT3-6ME.
AT3-6ME Configuration
The adapter configuration is done via a set of DIP switches located on the front panel. There are two
sets of switches, a 12-position switch and a two position switch. The two position switch enables the
configuration change via the terminal and enable/disable the loop push button located in the front
panel (to secure against accidental operation). Review both Table D-3 and Table D-4. Set the
appropriate DIP switches with the power off.
Table D-3 DIP Switch SW-1 Selection Guide
Switch Position Function
1 Down Enable configuration via the TTY.
1 Up Disable configuration via the TTY (default).
2 Down Enable front panel loop push button.
2 Up Disable front panel loop push button (default).