3-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Broadband Controller Card (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4)
The BCC runs self-tests continuously on internal functions in the background and if a failure is
detected, the fail LED is lighted. If the BCC is configured as a redundant pair, the off-line BCC is
indicated by the lighted stby LED. The stby LED also flashes when a software download or standby
update is in progress. The LAN LED indicates activity on the Ethernet port.
19.2 Gbps Operation with the BCC-4
In order to operate the BPX switch at 19.2 Gbps the following is required:
• A 19.2 Gbps backplane
• BCC-4 or later controller cards
• One or more BXM cards
• Release 8.4.00 or later switch software
• A backplane NOVRAM that is programmed to identify the backplane as a 19.2 Gbps backplane.
Switch software will not allow node operation at 19.2 Gpbs unless it can read the backplane
NOVRAM to verify that the backplane is a 19.2 Gbps backplane.
The 19.2 backplane can be visually identified by the small white card slot fuses at the bottom rear of
the backplane. These fuses are approximately 1/4 inch high and 1/8 inch wide. The 9.6 Gbps
backplane does not have these fuses. If the BPX switch is a late model, then a 19.2 Gbps backplane
is installed. This can be verified by running the despond command which will display “Word #2
=0001” if the backplane NOVRAM has been programmed. If anything else is displayed, visually
check the backplane for the fuses.
If the backplane is a 19.2 Gbps backplane, but the backplane NOVRAM has not been set to display
Word #2 =0001, then the cnfbpnv command may be used to program the NOVRAM as follows:
Step 1 Enter cnfbpnv, and the response should be:
Are you sure this is a new backplane (y/n).
Step 2 Enter y
Step 3 Confirm that the change has been made by entering dspbpnv to confirm the response:
Word #2 =0001
Note If for some reason the change does not take place, it will be necessary to change the backplane
NOVRAM. Contact Customer Service.
Step 4 Enter switchcc in order for the change to be recognized by the switch software.
If the backplane is not a 19.2 Gbps backplane, then it will be necessary to install a 19.2 Gbps
backplane to obtain 19.2 Gbps operation. Contact Customer Service.
Back Cards for the BCC-3 and BCC-32
The backcards for the Broadband Controller Card serve as an interface between the BPX switch and
the BPX switch network management system. For the BCC-32, the backcard is the BCC-bc. For the
BCC-3 and BCC-4, the backcard is the BCC-3-bc. (These cards are also known as the BCC