Index 3
redundancy options 1-24
Synchronization 1-18
non-blocking 3-4
Nrm 7-10
nrt-VBR (Non-Real Time Variable Bit Rate) 7-3
OptiClass 1-15, 1-19
PCR 7-9
PEM (DC Power Entry Module) 11-9
PEM (see DC Power Entry Module)
physical description 2-1
Physical Layer Convergence Protocol 4-3
Physical Layer Protocol Processor 4-3
PLCP (see Physical Layer Convergence Protocol) 4-3
PLPP (see Physical Layer Protocol Processor) 4-5
PLPP functions 4-5
PNNI 8-1
for SPVCs 8-2
Policing 7-9
port queues 4-5
monitoring 3-12
Power Supplies 2-16
preventive maintenance 11-1
Private Network to Network Interface 8-1
RDF 7-10
Related documentation xxviii
IGX Installation Manual xxviii
IPX Installation Manual xxviii
AC Power Supply 11-11
AC power supply 11-11
card slot fuse 11-14
DC Power Entry Module 11-9
fan assembly 11-13
front cards 11-5
line module 11-7
parts 11-5
temperature sensing unit 11-14
Resource Management 7-4
RIF 7-10
RM 7-4
RM cells 7-4
Role Resolution protocol 8-9
rt-VBR (Real-Time Variable Bit Rate) 7-3
SAM 2-13
SC connector 8-8
SCR 7-9
self tests 3- 11-1
self-tests 4-6
self-tests, BCC 3-8
Service Interface 2-16
Service Interfaces 1-18
Signaling 8-4
signaling 8-5
signalling VCCs 8-5
Simple Addressing Mode 2-13
Slots #7 and #8 3-2
SNMP 8-9
SNMP Functions 14-3
SNMP Overview 14-1
ATM E3 trunk interface A-7, A-8
ATM Service Interface, T3/E3 A-10, A-11
ATM T3 trunk interface A-6
BPX peripherals xxvii, C-1
system xxvii, A-1
auto-grooming 8-2
SPVCs 8-2
SrataCom Proprietary MIB Structure 14-6
Standard ABR 7-4
statistics 5-5, 5-14
STI header 2-8
StrataBus backplane 3-17
StrataView Plus NMS workstation 1-17
StrataView Plus Operations Guide xxviii
Stratum 3 system clocking 3-3
SVC 8-1
Switch Interface Module (SIM) 3-4
Switched Megabit Data Service 4-3
System software 1-19
system specifications A-1
tag switching router
See TSR 9-16
TBE 7-10
Telnet 8-9
temperature 1-24, 3-12
Terminal port 8-8