7-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
ATM Connection Configuration
Nrm (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term),
BXM only.
Maximum number of cells a source may send for each forward RM cell, i.e. an RM cell
must be sent for every Nrm-1 data cells
FRTT (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term),
BXM only.
Fixed Round Trip Time: the sum of the fixed and propagation delays from the source to
a destination and back
TBE (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term),
BXM only.
Transient Buffer Exposure:
The negotiated number of cells that the network would like to limit the source to
sending during start-up periods, before the first RM-cell returns.
IBS Initial Burst Size
Trunk cell routing restriction (Y/N)
The default (Y) restricts ATM connection routes to include only ATM trunks. Selecting
(N) allows the network to route these connections over non-ATM trunks (e.g.,
Fastpacket trunks).
Table 7-4 Connection Parameter Descriptions (Continued)
Parameter Description