
9-32 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Description for Tag Switching
For tag switching, before it can carry traffic, the link to a tag switch controller must be “upped”
(using either uptrk or upport) at the BPX node. The link can then be “added” to the network (using
addshelf). Also, the link must be free of major alarms before you can add it with the addshelf
Note Once a port on the BXM is upped in either trunk or port mode by either the uptrk or upport
commands, respectively, all other ports can only be “upped” in the same mode.
Tag Switching Parameters-addshelf
Example for Tag Switching
Add a tag switch controller link to a BPX node, by entering the addshelf command at the desired
BXM port as follows:
addshelf 4.1 vsi 1 1
Sample Display:
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:40 PST
BPX Interface Shelf Information
Trunk Name Type Alarm
5.1 j6c AXIS MIN
5.3 j5c IPX/AF MIN
Last Command: addshelf 4.1 vsi 1 1
Next Command:
Parameter Description
slot.port Specifies the BXM slot and port number. (The port may be configured for either
trunk (network) or port (service) mode.)
device-type vsi, which is “virtual switch interface” and specifies a virtual interface to a tag
switch controller (TSR) such as a 7200 or 7500 series router.
control partition _________________________________________________
control ID Control IDs must be in the range 1-32, and must be set identically on the TSC and
in the addshelf command. A control ID of “1” is the default used by the tag switch
controller (TSC).