10-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
• Video distribution, e.g., IP multicast video networks to the desktop
• Remote learning
• Medical imaging
• UNI 3.1 Multicast Server
• UNI 4.0 Leaf Initiated Joins and related standards
Multicasting Benefits
Multicasting point-to-multipoint connections benefits include:
• Decreased delay in receiving data
• Near simultaneous reception of data by all leaves
Multicasting Overview
BME Features:
• The BME is a two-port OC12 card
• Supports up to 1000 multicast groups
• Supports up to 8064 connections, at 4032 per port. It can support the following combinations:
— 1000 roots with 8 leaves in each multicast group
— 100 roots with 80 leaves in each multicast group
— 2 roots with 4000 leaves in each multicast group
— or any other such combination.
• Supports CBR, UBR, VBR, and ATFR connections
• Hot standby
BME Requirements
• Firmware of type BMEMK, where K is the model number for BME
• upln is used to bring up line 1 and line 2.
• upport is used to bring up port1 and port 2, respectively.