13-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Network
• Frame Relay and ATM connection management to an MGX 8220 interface shelf is provide by
Cisco StrataView Plus
• Telnet is supported to an interface shelf; the vt command is not.
• Remote printing by the interface shelf via a print command from the routing network is not
Annex G, a bi-directional protocol, defined in Recommendation Q.2931, is used for monitoring the
status of connections across a UNI interface. Tiered Networks use the Annex G protocol to pass
connection status information between a Hub Node and attached interface shelf.
Converting an IPX or IGX node to an interface shelf requires re-configuring connections on the
node, as no upgrade path is provided in changing a routing node to an interface shelf.
A BPX node, acting as a Hub Node, is not restricted from providing any other feature which is
normally available on BPX nodes. A BPX Hub supports up to 16 interface shelves.
BPX Routing Hub A BPX node in the routing network which has attached interface
shelves. Also referred to as a hub node or BPX hub.
MGX 8220 Interface Shelf A standards based service interface shelf that connects to a BPX
routing hub, aggregrates and concentrates traffic, and performs ATM
adapation for transport over broadband ATM networks.
IPX Interface Shelf A special configuration of the IPX narrow band node designated as a
interface shelf that supports frame relay connections.
IGX Interface Shelf A special configuration of the IGX multi-band node designated as a
interface shelf that supports frame relay connections.
Feeder Trunk Refers to a trunk which interconnects an interface shelf with the
routing network via a BPX routing hub. A feeder trunk is sometimes
referred to as an interface shelf trunk.
IPX/AF Another name for the IPX interface shelf
IGX/AF Another name for the IGX interface shelf
Routing Network The portion of the tiered network which performs automatic routing
between connection endpoints.
VPI Virtual Path Identifier
VCI Virtual Connection Identifier