PREFACE: Computer Entry and Display Conventions 3
Cautions are indicated to warn of any undesirable effects an action may cause.
Notes are added to make you aware of certain steps or considerations, and sometimes
to provide tips or suggestions.
Computer Entry and Display Conventions
Command syntax and examples are formatted as follows:
• The Courier font in boldface indicates command entries.
$ ping ftp.microplex.com
• Regular Courier font indicates displayed results.
ftp.microplex.com is alive
• Arguments separated by the or symbol ( | ) mean that a choice must be made.
list default com1|com2
• Square brackets [ ] around something indicates that it is optional.
set sysinfo name [
• Command names, entries, and example references are bold along with directories
and file names. Boldface is also used if emphasis is needed.
Enter npwrite when you see...
sends data to the M208 named spike...
• Variable values are shown in italics both in command syntax, output, and in text.
is alive
Please enter the ipname at the prompt.
• Italics are also used for emphasis.