them on the host within an interface file, nprbsd.if or nprsysv.if, or on the Print
Server itself. The choice is completely up to you.
Automatically you are given the choice between six different destinations on the
M208 allowing for six different possible print setups; each of these print setups is
defined by the extra processing specified by it’s associated model. It is the model that
defines most of these extra processing options.
To make use of these special job processing features, please read over the appropriate
host configuration section or the full list of extra job processing options documented
in set model on page 110.
Manipulating the M208’s Services
The M208 has a lot of functionality and along with the benefits this provides, there’s
one main drawback: the more features it has, the more memory it requires. Therefore,
you have been given the ability to control this somewhat.
If you are not utilizing all of the protocols provided on the M208, you can disable the
unused ones providing more memory for the protocol(s) in use. Please see set sysinfo
module [[-]novell] [[-]appletalk] on page 116 for the command details.
In addition to disabling certain modules, you can also disable destination services. Not
every destination on the M208 needs to have the same functionality and in the case of
an AppleTalk setup, you probably don’t want every destination appearing in the
Chooser. Please see set dest on page 107 and Removing Excess Printers from the
Chooser on page 77 for further details.
Making An Alternate Print Destination
If more than one printer is attached to the M208, you can make the best use out of
each one with load-balancing. Normally, you would print to one destination on the
unit and your print jobs would go to that printer only. This can be a waste of users’
time if more than one printer is attached; one of the attached printers could be sitting
idle while another is being overloaded with print jobs. Setting an alternate destination
overcomes this by keeping all printers busy. Also, if the specified printer goes off-line
or into error mode, the job will be printed by the alternate printer.
Please see set dest on page 107 for details on how to set up an alternate destination so
your print jobs can get re-routed to an alternate printer.