190 M208 SPECIFICATIONS: Hardware Specifications
An invalid license mask and key forces the M208 into license-
violation mode after three minutes of operation. The mask and
key settings are printed on the serial number label at the time of
Unrecoverable errors detected by the M208 firmware force the
Print Server into Firmware Panic mode. Manually reset the M208
to resume normal operation.
The watchdog timer is a hardware device that resets the system if
not serviced regularly by the CPU. The purpose of the watchdog
is to prevent the CPU from entering an infinite loop because of
some hardware or firmware problem. After a watchdog interrupt,
some diagnostic information is saved for debugging and the
M208 resumes operation in Auto-Reset Mode. The M208 will
auto-reset up to 16 times before entering non-operational Watch-
dog Halt.
Unsupported interrupts force the M208 into this non-operational
mode and typically indicate a hardware problem.
Bus errors, address errors, and illegal instructions force the M208
into this non-operational mode.
License Violation
Firmware Panic
Watchdog Halt
Spurious Interrupt
Hardware Exception