78 CONFIGURING THE M208 FOR APPLETALK: Additional Configuration Options
Disabling the AppleTalk Module
If you have several Microplex M208s in your network and only some of them are ser-
vicing AppleTalk networks, it is a good idea to turn off the entire AppleTalk module
from the particular M208. This will not only save on M208 resources but will ensure
that only appropriate M208s show up in the Chooser.
To disable the AppleTalk module, start an npsh session with the unit and follow the
steps below:
1 Remove AppleTalk from the available protocols.
set sysinfo module -appletalk
2 Save the changes to EEPROM.
If you want to continue with any of the following procedures, please find them as indi-
cated in other sections of this manual:
• Add to or change configuration of your M208. Please see USING THE M208’S
COMMAND SET on page 93 and USING NPWIN on page 127.
• Utilize more advanced features of the M208. Please see USING THE M208’S